A few insights about how I host my own services with MicroK8s

Let's see how we can get more for less! Commercial external hard drives are a bit of a scam. We'll discuss how we can build better hard drives for cheaper.

Let's discover the Clean Architecture in Python! We'll use the spells from the Harry Potter universe as a concrete example, and we'll see how the clean architecture reduces coupling and helps us build better softwares.

This article will demonstrate how to register a user through a Single Sign-On provider like Google or Facebook. The implementation will be done in Go, with the Gin framework. We'll also see how to write new users to a Postgres database.

In this article I will detail how I built a NAS from scratch. I will list the parts I bought, and detail the assembly process (with pictures!). I will also describe the stack I chose to setup the NAS.

In this article I will detail how I built a simple weather station from scratch. This station measures the humidity, temperature, pressure and luminosity inside my flat and displays them on a small screen. It also sends these measurements to a MQTT server via wifi. I can then access all these metrics from my Home Assistant server.

In this post I'll demonstrate the printing capabilities of the latest 3D printer made by Ultimaker: the Ultimaker 3. I'll test them on the model of a DGL G3 I could not print before with a "traditional" 3D printer.

Announcement for ChemBrows 1.0 !