Better value for money for hard drives

Let's see how we can get more for less! Commercial external hard drives are a bit of a scam. We'll discuss how we can build better hard drives for cheaper.

The Clean Architecture in Python

Let's discover the Clean Architecture in Python! We'll use the spells from the Harry Potter universe as a concrete example, and we'll see how the clean architecture reduces coupling and helps us build better softwares.

Authentication workflow with SSO

This article will demonstrate how to register a user through a Single Sign-On provider like Google or Facebook. The implementation will be done in Go, with the Gin framework. We'll also see how to write new users to a Postgres database.

Homemade NAS with RAID 5

In this article I will detail how I built a NAS from scratch. I will list the parts I bought, and detail the assembly process (with pictures!). I will also describe the stack I chose to setup the NAS.

A usable, homemade weather station

In this article I will detail how I built a simple weather station from scratch. This station measures the humidity, temperature, pressure and luminosity inside my flat and displays them on a small screen. It also sends these measurements to a MQTT server via wifi. I can then access all these metrics from my Home Assistant server.

Printing DGLs with an Ultimaker 3

In this post I'll demonstrate the printing capabilities of the latest 3D printer made by Ultimaker: the Ultimaker 3. I'll test them on the model of a DGL G3 I could not print before with a "traditional" 3D printer.

First stable version of ChemBrows

Announcement for ChemBrows 1.0 !