- Automatic Generation of 3D Printed Reactionware for Chemical Synthesis Digitization using ChemSCAD W. Hou, A. Bubliauskas, P. J. Kitson, J.-P. Francoia, H. Powell-Davies, JM Parrilla Gutierrez, P. Frei, J.S Manzano and L. Cronin, ACS Cent. Sci., 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.0c01354 - open access, citations: 47
Automatic Generation of 3D Printed Reactionware for Chemical Synthesis Digitization using ChemSCAD W. Hou, A. Bubliauskas, P. J. Kitson, J.-P. Francoia, H. Powell-Davies, JM Parrilla Gutierrez, P. Frei, J.S Manzano and L. Cronin, ChemRxiv, 2020 - open access
Interview C&EN: Polymer could be a broader heparin blocker (by Louisa Dalton)
- Dendrigraft of Poly-L-lysine as a Promising Candidate To Reverse Heparin-based Anticoagulants in Clinical Settings B. Ourri, J.-P. Francoia, G. Monard, J.-C. Gris, J. Leclaire, and L. Vial, ACS Med. Chem. Lett., 2019, 10, 917 - citations: 19
- Wetting the lock and key enthalpically favours polyelectrolytes binding E. Jeamet, J. Septavaux, A. Héloin, M. Donnier-Maréchal, M. Dumartin, B. Ourri, P. K. Mandal, I. Huc, E. Bignon, E. Dumont, C. Morell, J.-P. Francoia, F. Perret, L. Vial and J. Leclaire Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 277 - open access, citation: 13
- Digitization of multistep organic synthesis in reactionware for on-demand
P. J. Kitson, G. Marie, J.-P. Francoia, S. S. Zalesskiy, R. C. Sigerson, J. S. Mathieson and L. Cronin Science, 2018, 359, 314 - open access, citations: 221
- Everything you always wanted to know about poly-L-lysine dendrigrafts (but were afraid to ask) J.-P. Francoia and L. Vial, Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 24, 2806 - citations: 31
- Digitizing Poly-L-Lysine Dendrigrafts: from Experimental Data to Molecular Dynamics Simulations J.-P. Francoia, J.-C Rossi, G. Monard and L. Vial, J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2017, 57, 2173 - citations: 17
- Chirality Sensing and Discrimination of Lysine Derivatives in Physiological Conditions with a Dyn[4]arene L. Vial, M. Dumartin, M. Donnier-Maréchal, F. Perret, J.-P. Francoia, J. Leclaire, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 14219 - citations: 14
- ChemBrows: An Open-Source Application Software To Keep Up to Date with the Current Literature J.-P. Francoia and L. Vial, J. Chem. Educ, 2016, 93, 1137 - open access, citation: 2
- A KISS (Keep It Simple, Sensor) Array for Glycosaminoglycans J.-P. Francoia and L. Vial, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 17544 - citations: 16
- Monitoring Clinical Levels of Heparin in Human Blood Samples with an Indicator-Displacement Assay J.-P. Francoia, R. Pascal, and L. Vial, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 1953 - citations: 30
A Double Conformationally Restricted Dynamic Supramolecular System for the Substrate-Selective Epoxidation of Olefins—A Comparative Study on the Influence of Preorganization E. Lindbäck, S. Cherraben, J.-P. Francoïa, E. Sheibani, B. Lukowski, A. Proñ, H. Norouzi-Arasi, K. Månsson, P. Bujalowski, A. Cederbalk, T. H. Pham, T. Wixe, S. Dawaigher and K. Wärnmark, ChemCatChem, 2015, 7, 333 - citations: 4
Multi-Technique Characterization of Poly-L-lysine Dendrigrafts–Cu(II) Complexes for Biocatalysis J.-C. Rossi, B. Maret, K. Vidot, J.-P. Francoia, M. Cangiotti, S. Lucchi, C. Coppola, and M. F. Ottaviani, Macromol. Biosci., 2015, 15, 275 - citations: 13
My Ph. D thesis
- Le principe KISS appliqué à la conception de senseurs et à la veille bibliographique: [PDF]
Slides and posters available here
Welcome Genome Campus Hackathon 2018, Hinxton, United Kingdom
Medicine Discovery Catapult’s challenge:
How can we combine drug and genetic data to intelligently prescribe drugs? -
RSC Twitter Poster Conference 2018, Twitter, World
Poster presentation -
JMJC 2016 (Journées Méditerranéennes des Jeunes Chercheurs), Nice, France
Poster presentation -
MSMLG 2016 (Molecular Sensors and Molecular Logic Gates), Bath, United Kingdom
Oral presentation and poster presentation -
JMJC 2015 (Journées Méditerranéennes des Jeunes Chercheurs), Montpellier, France
Oral presentation -
MeMoSim 2015 (Modeling Methods and multiscale Simulations), Lyon, France
Poster presentation -
Balard Chemistry Conferences 2014, La Grande Motte, France
Poster presentation -
JJC 2014 (Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs), Montpellier, France
Poster presentation